The right of the individual to be left alone or undisturbed and free from intrusion or public attention to their affairs where this poses no risk to themselves or to others.
Recognition of each individual as a valued person, recognising their personal needs and treating them with respect at all times.
Opportunities to act and think without reference to others including the opportunity to learn through risk taking.
The opportunity to select independence from a range of understandable options.
The maintenance of all entitlements associated with citizenship.
The realisation of personal aspirations and opportunity to expand abilities in all aspects of daily life.
is about each service user as an individual person, their needs, their goals, dreams, aspirations, family, friends and community
works on ‘why’ each service users acts as they do and ‘how’ those supporting them can respond in a way that works for the service user and meet their needs
gives service users the motivation to engage with others living within their local community leading to the building of strong relationships
uses methods such as education, skill development and communication enabling service users to achieve as much independence as possible
employs Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), creates strategies such as ‘shaping’, ‘chaining’, ‘social stories’ and ‘reinforcement based practices’ to transform service user behaviour and to improve lives
understands the issues that can get in the way of service users achieving their goals, dreams and aspirations and moves mountains to overcome them
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Talking and Speech Therapies
Behavioural Programs
Skills Teaching
Buddy Coaching and Support
Pet and Holistic Therapies
and many more
Friendly, caring and professional.
People with similar abilities to yourself.
Yes, we pride ourselves on home-cooked meals that are (nearly) as good as you’d have back at home.
Each house on the main site has its own people carrier for service users and relatives when they visit, if required. Some residents also use taxis and have named drivers who assist them.
Yes. Shortly after you arrive you will be assigned one. Once you have settled in you can change if you want to.
Yes, whenever you want.
Yes, whenever you want.
We have both, but we always group according to compatibility, not gender.
Contact us and we’ll do our best to answer them.